The most effective means of improving memory and stimulating the brain

Probably everyone agrees that performance, success and standard of living in general largely depend on the mental abilities and the ability to use them at the right time and in the right place. To get a job, you need to develop your thinking and memory while you are still studying. To get results at work, you need to get the most out of your brain, and so on.

But not everyone succeeds, and even scientists can't answer what it's about. Not all of us are born geniuses, and the level of intelligence is also a controversial factor because the brightest people cannot solve basic life problems. And what can we talk about here if there is no answer at all today as to what percentage of the human brain has been examined. Different groups of scientists give different numbers. It is only known that we are far from reaching the full potential of our brains.

However, if you want to increase your own memory and alertness to improve your brain's capabilities, there are a few simple methods that you can resort to. In this case, the main thing is the desire and compliance with the instructions. This applies to both taking medication and increasing brain activity using natural methods.

Causes of impairment of brain function, memory and attention

Before using any methods to improve brain function, it is necessary to understand the reasons behind the deterioration. This includes the following factors:

Causes of memory problems
  • brain tumors;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • dash;
  • violation of the brain circulation due to a number of other diseases;
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • bad habits, including smoking, excessive alcohol or drug use;
  • constant lack of sleep and stress;
  • excessive psychological stress;
  • Results of previous anesthesia;
  • age-related changes;
  • depression.

Regardless of the causes of decreased brain activity, they are by no means the norm. In any case, it is a pathological condition that requires immediate and active treatment.

It should be noted that drugs that improve brain activity can be taken during a sharp rise in psychological stress. For example - when learning or mastering a large amount of new information. Not only can you increase the effectiveness of learning, but you can also ensure healthy brain performance in the future. After all, after serious psychological stress there is even a decrease in brain activity - depression.

When can I start taking medications that improve memory?

Memory and attention deterioration is not a sentence, but a "bell" to the fact that you can begin to combat this symptom. The pharmacy sells many products that do not require a doctor's prescription. But first of all, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the signs that indicate the need for such treatment:

  • Absence of mind occurs more often;
  • Information is difficult to remember;
  • scheduled appointments are skipped;
  • There is a huge drop in performance.

There are many similar examples. As a rule, a person realizes on their own that something is going wrong in their life, and the fault for everything is the decline in activity, the inability to focus on a problem.

Do not self-medicate, however. There can be any number of reasons for the decline in brain activity. Perhaps the reason lies in the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and drinking drugs that improve memory will be completely useless in this case, as they will not work. It is better to immediately contact a specialist who will advise on the most relevant treatment in each individual case.

Usually drugs are prescribed to improve memory and alertness. On the advice of a doctor, you can buy these without a prescription. In this case, the likelihood of the money being thrown to the wind is reduced to zero. After purchasing the drug, it should be taken strictly according to the prescribed prescription.

How to improve memory after anesthesia

effective means of improving memory

After general anesthesia, many people find that they are distracted and that such patients have obvious memory problems. This can negatively affect communication with people and professional activities. You can wait until these glitches go away on their own. Sometimes this period is a year or two, depending on the psychological distress and activity level of the person who experienced the effects of anesthesia. And you can take steps to restore brain function after anesthesia.

Note that this requires an integrated approach. It consists of the following:

  • memory training, you can memorize phone numbers, houses, crossword puzzles and rebuses;
  • restriction of alcohol consumption; You need to spend more time outdoors, drink more water;
  • from folk remedies helps with the decoction of clover leaves and mountain ash bark tinctures.
  • dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins which reduce forgetfulness. You can eat them without worrying about your figure.
  • To improve brain function, you should take drugs that stimulate brain circulation, including nootropics.

However, these measures do not guarantee an immediate improvement in brain activity. The funds will help to gradually improve it. It will take at least three months to see noticeable results. After anesthesia, normal brain activity is restored for a long time. So be patient in this case.

Nootropics to improve memory

Nootropics - proven agents that stimulate cerebral blood flow, improve attention and memory, even after anesthesia, improve mental performance and increase resistance to hypoxia.

This effect is achieved by improving the vital processes of the brain cells and the metabolic processes inside. In addition, nootropics have specific psychostimulatory effects.

Nootropics for brain function should only be taken as directed by a doctor to avoid their negative effects on the body.

What herbs improve brain function

You can drink not only medicines, but also herbs, which have proven to be the best folk remedies that improve memory and attention. These are plants that can be seen in any park, forest or field. Herbs, leaves and flowers are dried and then poured with boiling water. After that, they should be drunk like tea. These medicines include the following plants:

  • combination of periwinkle and hawthorn, take dried evergreen leaves, hawthorn flowers and leaves;
  • celandine;
  • Pour valerian root, pour boiling water over it and let it rest for 8 hours;
  • elecampane root, it should be made in the same way as valerian;
  • oregano, prepared like tea;
  • wormwood, the herb is poured with boiling water and poured into it for several hours;
  • pine cones, you need to insist on alcohol for two weeks, then drink and add a little tea;
  • Mother and stepmother, the herb is poured and drunk like tea;
  • Collection No. 1 for brewing and ingestion to improve brain function. You should drink tea constantly at least once a day.

It is better to include these folk remedies in a complex treatment, along with the use of medicines. Or - you can take them even with minor impairments to memory and attention.


Dua is a kind of Islamic prayer. Each of the duas is read in a specific life situation. Strange, but there are duas for memory enhancement. Followers of Islam are sure that such prayers will help achieve this or that goal. It is not for nothing that Dua is more popular in the East as drugs to improve brain function.

There is a dua for concentration, a dua for more knowledge, a dua for remembering something or a dua for good and quick speaking.

Of course, folk and religious remedies for improving brain function must also be supported by medication. Therefore, you should consult a specialist with memory and attention disorders.